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Network for Interdisciplinary Studies in Science, Technology, and Music

About n-ISM

n-ISM is an inter-disciplinary, inter-faculty, inter-institutional, international consortium of collaborating researchers.

We are inter-disciplinary because we are active in projects which involve different disciplines operating different research methodologies. So in an n-istic project involving Composition, Performance and Engineering, for example, work will be undertaken demanding the deployment of skills associated with each discipline at the highest level, with the potential of advancement in all fields. The research outcomes often give rise to new, richer trans-disciplinary approaches to research.

Joining n-ISM

n-ISM is a Show me, don't tell me operation. It is based on the principles of the open-source movement in that credibility and celebrity arises from work in progress, not from planning or talking about it. So the only way to join n-ISM is to become involved in one of its projects (or by starting one of your own, of course!).

The term "network" is intended to be indicative of the sort of transient relationships often arising in the open source software community, where people come together to solve particular operational problems and then disband when the problem is solved. One of the aims of the n-ISM site is to provide infrastructure for the dissemination of the results of such projects, and a place to make research outcomes available.

What n-ism.org Provides

n-ISM provides a place outwith the regulation of a single establishment for the dissemination of research output. Authorship is attributed on a per-artefact basis, so it is a place where collected publications can be found and an established virtual community exists. Presently, there are facilities for advertising interdisciplinary events, depositing and retrieving paper publications (in PDF format) and downloading or streaming audio files.

If you would like access to the site in order to add content to it, refer to the adminstrator's section on the Contact page.

If you are an interested visitor and just want to watch what is going on, we suggest you bookmark the "New" page. It will tell you what has changed since your previous visit.